Real-time Emergency alert
A cold wave warning is in effect for the entire Bonghwa County. ▲Keep warm when going out. ▲Be careful of slipping on icy roads. ▲Open water pipes slightly to prepare for freezing. ▲Prevent cold damage to crops. Please be careful of the cold wave. [Bonghwa County]
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봉화군 전역 한파 특보 발효중 ▲외출 시 보온 철저▲도로결빙 미끄러짐 주의▲동파대비 수도관 미세개방 ▲농작물 냉해 예방 등 한파에 유의하시기 바랍니다. [봉화군]
Beware of road icing due to cold wave
▷Refrain from outdoor activities
▷Beware of fires with heaters and maintain proper indoor temperatures
▷Be careful of freezing of livestock sheds and greenhouses. [Uiseong-gun]
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한파로 인한 도로결빙 주의
▷야외 활동 자제
▷난방기 화재주의 및 실내 적정온도 유지
▷축사, 시설하우스 동해예방등 유의바랍니다.[의성군]
2. Our military is scheduled to conduct a naval firing operation in the Baengnyeong and Yeonpyeong Island areas around 2:00 PM on Wednesday, the 19th. Residents and visitors are requested to refrain from outdoor activities. [Ongjin County]
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2. 19.(수) 14시경 백령 및 연평도 지역에서 우리 군이 해상사격 예정입니다. 주민 및 방문객들은 야외활동을 자제바랍니다. [옹진군]
There is a high risk of forest fires due to dry weather and strong winds. Please be careful to prevent forest fires by not burning trash and agricultural byproducts. [Andong City]
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건조한 날씨와 강한 바람으로 산불발생 위험이 높습니다. 쓰레기, 영농부산물 소각금지 등 산불이 발생하지 않도록 주의하여 주시기 바랍니다. [안동시]
A cold wave warning has been issued. Please check on the safety of vulnerable groups in your area, beware of cold-related illnesses, prevent freezing of water pipes, and prevent cold damage to crops. [Gyeongsangbuk-do]
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한파 특보 발효, 주변 취약계층 안부 확인, 한랭 질환 주의, 수도관 동파 방지, 농작물 냉해 방지 등 안전에 유의 하시기 바랍니다.. [경상북도]
Today at 10:00, dry weather warning. Smoking, cooking, carrying firearms, and burning are prohibited when entering the mountain. Be careful of fire when handling flammable materials. [Ministry of Public Administration and Security]
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오늘 10:00 건조경보. 입산 시 흡연·취사·화기 소지 및 소각 금지. 가연성 물질 취급 시 화재에 유의. [행정안전부]
Today at 21:00, Gyeongbuk (North Gyeongbuk East Mountains) is under a cold wave warning. Pay attention to keeping warm, refrain from outdoor activities as much as possible, and wrap water meters with old clothes to prevent freezing. [Ministry of the Interior and Safety]
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오늘 21:00 경북(경북북동산지) 한파경보. 보온에 신경 쓰시고 야외 활동은 가급적 자제, 수도 계량기는 헌 옷 등으로 감싸 동파 방지. [행정안전부]
Today at 09:06, a fire broke out at the Korea Zinc Plant 2, Daejeong-ri 393, Onsan-eup, Ulju-gun. Vehicles in the vicinity should take a detour and close their windows to ensure safety. [Ulju-gun]
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오늘 09:06 울주군 온산읍 대정리 393 고려아연 2공장 화재 발생. 주변차량은 우회하여 주시고 창문을 닫는 등 안전에 유의바랍니다. [울주군]
Beware of icy roads due to cold wave
▷Beware of frozen water pipes, beware of heater fires
▷Elderly and those with underlying diseases should refrain from outdoor activities
▷Please drive safely on icy roads on the way to work [Uiseong-gun]
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한파로 인한 빙판길 주의
▷수도 동파주의, 난방기 화재주의
▷노약자 및 기저질환자 야외활동 자제
▷출근길 도로결빙 안전 운전 바랍니다[의성군]
This morning, temperatures are expected to drop and the air will be dry, so please drive safely and be careful when walking, prevent forest fires, prevent water pipes from freezing, be careful of heater fires, and refrain from going outside. [Changwon City]
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금일 아침 기온강하 및 대기건조가 예상되오니 안전운행 및 보행주의, 산불예방, 수도동파방지, 난방기 화재주의, 외출자제 등 안전에 유의하시기 바랍니다.[창원시]