Real-time Emergency alert
We would like to inform you that the vehicle accident that occurred on National Route 19 near Yongdu Reservoir in Toji-myeon has been resolved and traffic is now open. [Gurye-gun]
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토지면 용두저수지 인근 국도 19호선에서 발생한 차량사고 처리가 완료되어 통행이 가능함을 알려드립니다. [구례군]
Mar 06
As snowfall of about 5cm is expected in mountainous areas, ▲prepare emergency supplies for areas at risk of isolation in mountainous areas ▲be careful of facilities vulnerable to snow (greenhouses, livestock sheds, house roofs, etc.) ▲safety [Samcheok City]
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산지에 5cm 내외의 눈이 예상되므로 ▲산간 고립 우려지역 비상물품 준비 ▲적설취약시설물(비닐하우스, 축사, 주택지붕 등) ▲안전에 유의하시기 바랍니다[삼척시]
Mar 06
(Emergency water cut notice) This evening, the water supply main pipe in the Deokho-ri area of ??San-i-myeon burst, causing a water cut in the area. We would like to inform you that we plan to restore the water supply as soon as possible. [Haenam-gun]
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(긴급 단수 안내) 금일 저녁 산이면 덕호리 일원 상수도 본관 파열로 일대가 단수되었습니다. 최대한 빨리 복구할 예정임을 알려드립니다[해남군]
Mar 06
Currently, a crane is working on National Road No. 19 near Yongdu Reservoir in Toji-myeon, Gurye-gun due to a load of approximately 100 tons falling. Traffic is not smooth, so please drive with caution. [Gurye-gun]
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현재 구례군 토지면 용두저수지 주변 국도19호선에 100톤 가량의 적재물 낙하로 크레인 작업중. 통행이 원활하지 않으니 차량운행에 주의하시기 바랍니다. [구례군]
Mar 06
Currently, there is a water shortage in Jochiwon-eup and Yeonsu-myeon, Sejong City. We plan to take action as soon as possible, so please prepare by securing bottled water for drinking if necessary. [Sejong City Hall]
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현재 세종시 조치원읍과 연서면 일원에 단수가 발생하고 있습니다. 빠른 시일 내에 조치할 예정이오니, 필요시 식수용 병물 확보 등 대비바랍니다. [세종시청]
Mar 06
Today at 08:19, traffic control is in progress due to a traffic accident on the Cheonan-Nonsan Expressway (Nonsan direction Charyeong Tunnel entrance) in Gwangdeok-myeon, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si. Please take a detour if you are entering the area. [Cheonan-si]
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금일 08:19 천안시 동남구 광덕면 천안논산고속도로(논산방향 차령터널 입구) 교통사고 발생으로 교통통제 중이오니 진입차량은 우회하여 주시기 바랍니다.[천안시]
Mar 06
The road control in the direction of Jwasari (Gochijae) in Dansan-myeon, Gundo Line 3 has been lifted as of 2:00 PM today. [Yeongju City]
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군도3호선 단산면 좌석리(고치재)방향 도로 통제가 금일 14시부로 해제되었습니다. [영주시]
Mar 05
Today at around 14:29, due to a vehicle fire accident near the Namji IC of the Nakdong Bridge on the Central Inland Expressway in the direction of Yangpyeong, all roads were closed (1km traffic congestion in lanes 1 and 2). Please take a detour to the Chilseo IC. [Haman-gun]
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오늘 14:29경 중부내륙고속도로 낙동대교 남지ic 양평방면 부근 차량화재사고로 전면통제 (1,2차로 1km정체)로 칠서ic로 우회하시기 바랍니다. [함안군]
Mar 05
Today at around 14:29, a fire broke out due to a traffic accident between trucks on the Changnyeong Nakdong Bridge (Namji direction) on the Central Inland Line. Traffic congestion is expected, so please be careful. [Haman-gun]
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오늘 14:29경 중부내륙선 창녕낙동대교(남지방향)에서 화물차간 교통 사고에 따른 화재가 발생하였습니다. 교통혼잡이 예상되오니 유의하시기 바랍니다. [함안군]
Mar 05
Today at 13:59, a large amount of black smoke is being generated due to a factory fire at 333-2 Eunhaeng-dong. Vehicles in the vicinity should take a detour, and nearby residents should close their windows and take precautions for their safety. [Siheung City Hall]
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오늘 13:59경 은행동 333-2번지 공장화재로 검은연기 다량 발생중. 주변차량은 우회하시고, 인근 주민은 창문을 닫는 등 안전에 유의바랍니다. [시흥시청]
Mar 05