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Real-time Emergency alert

  1. Due to the continued drop in temperature, please be careful of safety, such as ▲ checking on the safety of vulnerable people around you ▲ thoroughly keeping warm when going out ▲ slightly opening faucets to prepare for freezing ▲ preventing cold damage to crops. [Chungcheongbuk-do]

    (Translated by google)

    지속적인 기온 하강으로 ▲주변 취약계층 안부 확인 ▲외출 시 보온 철저 ▲동파대비 수도꼭지 미세개방 ▲농작물 냉해 예방 등 안전에 유의하시기 바랍니다.[충청북도] 17:59
  2. A cold wave warning has been issued for some areas in the province. Please check on the safety of vulnerable groups, beware of cold-related illnesses, and prevent freezing of water pipes. [Gyeongsangbuk-do]

    (Translated by google)

    도내 일부지역 한파 특보 발효 중입니다 한파 취약계층 안부 확인, 한랭 질환 주의, 수도관 동파 방지 등 안전에 유의 하시기 바랍니다. [경상북도] 17:44
  3. Safety precautions due to cold wave △Refrain from outdoor activities △Beware of frozen water pipes and heater fires △Be careful of road ice and drive safely [Uiseong-gun]

    (Translated by google)

    한파로 인한 안전주의 △야외 활동 자제 △수도 동파주의, 난방기 화재주의 △도로살얼음 주의하여 안전 운전 바랍니다[의성군] 17:26
  4. Cold wave warning issued. Refrain from outdoor activities and pay attention to keeping warm when going out. Wrap water meters with old clothes to prevent freezing. [Ministry of Public Administration and Security]

    (Translated by google)

    한파경보 발표. 야외 활동을 자제하시고 외출 시 보온에 신경 쓰세요. 수도 계량기는 헌 옷 등으로 감싸 동파를 방지하세요. [행정안전부] 17:25
  5. Today, two forest fires occurred in the Gosung-gun area (both extinguished). Please be careful not to cause large forest fires due to illegal burning or careless management of fire sources. [Gosung-gun]

    (Translated by google)

    오늘 고성군지역 2건의 산림화재가 발생(모두 진화완료) 했습니다. 불법소각, 불씨관리 부주의로 큰산불이 발생하지 않도록 유의바랍니다. [고성군] 16:30
  6. Today at around 14:15, a fire broke out in the area of ????492, Bupyeong-ri, Jinjeop-eup. Smoke is spreading, so nearby residents are advised to be careful of safety accidents. [Namyangju-si]

    (Translated by google)

    오늘 14:15경 진접읍 부평리 492번지 일원 화재 발생. 연기 확산중으로 인근 주민께서는 안전사고에 유의하시기 바랍니다. [남양주시] 14:54
  7. The maritime fire has ended at 14:30. Thank you for your cooperation. [Ongjin County]

    (Translated by google)

    14:30시 부 해상사격이 종료되었습니다. 협조해 주셔서 감사합니다. [옹진군] 14:47
  8. A cold wave warning is in effect for the entire Bonghwa County. ▲Keep warm when going out. ▲Be careful of slipping on icy roads. ▲Open water pipes slightly to prepare for freezing. ▲Prevent cold damage to crops. Please be careful of the cold wave. [Bonghwa County]

    (Translated by google)

    봉화군 전역 한파 특보 발효중 ▲외출 시 보온 철저▲도로결빙 미끄러짐 주의▲동파대비 수도관 미세개방 ▲농작물 냉해 예방 등 한파에 유의하시기 바랍니다. [봉화군] 14:35
  9. Beware of road icing due to cold wave ▷Refrain from outdoor activities ▷Beware of fires with heaters and maintain proper indoor temperatures ▷Be careful of freezing of livestock sheds and greenhouses. [Uiseong-gun]

    (Translated by google)

    한파로 인한 도로결빙 주의 ▷야외 활동 자제 ▷난방기 화재주의 및 실내 적정온도 유지 ▷축사, 시설하우스 동해예방등 유의바랍니다.[의성군] 14:02
  10. 2. Our military is scheduled to conduct a naval firing operation in the Baengnyeong and Yeonpyeong Island areas around 2:00 PM on Wednesday, the 19th. Residents and visitors are requested to refrain from outdoor activities. [Ongjin County]

    (Translated by google)

    2. 19.(수) 14시경 백령 및 연평도 지역에서 우리 군이 해상사격 예정입니다. 주민 및 방문객들은 야외활동을 자제바랍니다. [옹진군] 12:51

Cold Wave

Cold Wave

Actions to take in the event of a fire

Actions to take in the event of a fire

Heavy Snow

Heavy Snow

Forest Fire

Forest Fire

Earthquakes (by Place)

Earthquakes (by Place)

Emergency Call

Emergency Ready App1



Weather Information

  • Seoul


    Temperature -1˚C

    Wind 2m/s W

    Precipitations 30% · 0mm

  • Busan


    Temperature 6˚C

    Wind 2m/s W

    Precipitations 20% · 0mm

  • Daegu


    Temperature 4˚C

    Wind 2m/s N

    Precipitations 20% · 0mm

  • Incheon


    Temperature -1˚C

    Wind 4m/s WNW

    Precipitations 30% · 0mm

  • Gwangju


    Temperature 0˚C

    Wind 4m/s WNW

    Precipitations 45% · 0mm

  • Daejeon


    Temperature 2˚C

    Wind 4m/s NW

    Precipitations 25% · 0mm

  • Ulsan


    Temperature 4˚C

    Wind 3m/s WNW

    Precipitations 10% · 0mm

  • Sejong


    Temperature 1˚C

    Wind 3m/s WNW

    Precipitations 35% · 0mm

  • Gyeonggi


    Temperature 0˚C

    Wind 3m/s WSW

    Precipitations 30% · 0mm

  • Gangwon


    Temperature 1˚C

    Wind 3m/s W

    Precipitations 20% · 0mm

  • Chungbuk


    Temperature 0˚C

    Wind 4m/s NW

    Precipitations 35% · 0mm

  • Chungnam


    Temperature 1˚C

    Wind 3m/s WNW

    Precipitations 25% · 0mm

  • Jeonbuk


    Temperature 1˚C

    Wind 4m/s W

    Precipitations 40% · 0mm

  • Jeonnam

    partly cloudy

    Temperature 1˚C

    Wind 4m/s W

    Precipitations 45% · 0mm

  • Gyeongbuk


    Temperature 4˚C

    Wind 2m/s NNW

    Precipitations 20% · 0mm

  • Gyeongnam


    Temperature 6˚C

    Wind 3m/s NW

    Precipitations 15% · 0mm

  • Jeju

    partly cloudy

    Temperature 2˚C

    Wind 6m/s NW

    Precipitations 50% · 0mm

Update 2025-02-19 16:30

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